1. Informations about company

1. The online store located at stindyart.com is run by Hanna Yeulakova, running a sole proprietorship under the name "Fundacja Firma dla Każdego", with its registered office at Lwowska, 5/15, Warszawa, 00-­660, Polska , e-mail: yeulakova@gmail.com

2. Online store details:

REGON: 362170026

NIP: 5252625624

Bank account number: PL32114010100000452136003590 mBank S.A.

3. To effectively place an order in the Online Store, you need a device that allows you to browse websites with active access to the Internet, enabling you to complete the

4. Placing a binding order in the Online Store (concluding a contract) requires full acceptance of the content of these regulations.

2. Definitions

Unless otherwise indicated in the Regulations, the expressions indicated below have the following meanings:

  • Online store - store available at www.stindyart.com.
  •  Seller - Hanna Yeulakova, who works on behalf "Fundacja Firma Dla Każdego".
  •  Buyer - any natural or legal person purchasing goods in the Online Store.
  •  Consumer - a natural person who concludes a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity.
  • Sales contract - a sales contract for goods available in the Online Store, concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.
  • Regulations- these regulations of the Online Store.

3. Selling item

1. The subject of sale in the Online Store are paintings, sticker sheets, greeting cards, posters (hereinafter: works), made according to the Seller's original design.

2. The prices of works, as well as their descriptions, which are visible on the Store's website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but constitute commercial information. They become binding after the Seller confirms the order.

3. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of works and their descriptions presented on the ebsite, to introduce promotional prices for products, as well as to conduct sales of certain products.

4. The Seller will make every effort to ensure that the stock levels visible on the Store's website are updated and reliable. In the event of unavailability of the ordered goods, the Seller will immediately notify the Buyer of the impossibility of fulfilling the service. The parties may then agree on a substitute performance or the Buyer may withdraw from the contract.

4. Placing an order - concluding a contract

1. An order is placed via the order form (basket) available on the Store's website and adding individual products to this form.

2. Orders may be placed via an individual User account, registered on the website, or without registration. an order are: name, surname, telephone nurnber, e-mail address,

3. The data necessary to piace residential/business address, shipping address.

4. The buyer selects the goods that he adds to his form (basket), and then selects the method of delivery and payment. After selecting the "I order with the obligation to pay" option and the Buyer receiving confirmation of placing the order, a sales contract is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer under the condition precedent that the sales price is paid within 5 business days from the date of placing the order.

5. Failure by the Buyer to pay the sales price within the above-mentioned deadline results in the sales contract not being concluded (cancellation of the order)

6. After receiving the payment, the Seller immediately begins processing the order.

5. Payment methods

1. The following payment methods are available in the Online Store:

  •  traditional transfer to the bank account: PL32114010100000452136003590 mBank SA
  • via PayPal (ann.yevlakova@gmail.com)

2. Regardless of the chosen payment method, the Buyer is obliged to make the payment within 5 business days from the date of placing the order.

3. The moment of payment is the crediting of funds to the Selier's bank account.

4. After receiving the payment, the Seller begins to process the order.

6. Delivery of works

1. The Seller provide free delivery.

2. The Seller or the courier company confirms to the Buyer the transfer of the parcel to the courier company via email or SMS.

3. When receiving the parcel, please check its condition carefully. If any damage is visible, please write down a complaint report in the presence of the courier and inform me about it via the selected contact method.

7. Order fulfillment and delivery

1. The processing time of an order in the Republic of Poland that is available in stock is from 5 to 14 business days, counted from the date of receipt of the payment by the Seller.

2. The Seller reserves the right to extend the order processing time during Christmas, summer and winter break periods. Information about the date of the break in order processing will be posted on the Store's website in advance

3. The delivery time of the ordered products is approximately 2-14 business days from the moment the order is sent by the Seller. After accepting these arrangements, the Buyer will be informed about the expected time by the Seller immediately via e-mail.

4. If the Buyer fails to collect the shipment on time and, consequently, the shiprment is returned to the Seller by the courier company, the Seller will set an appropriate deadline for the Buyer to reconfirm the order.

5. If the order is not confirmed, the Seller will have the right to withdraw frorn the contract and demand that the Buyer cover any losses he has incurred, including delivery costs and returns of uncollected shipments.

7. If the order is reconfirmed due to the need for re-shipment, the Buyer will be obliged to: 

  • pay an additional fee for the delivery of goods.
  • pay the cost of returning the shipment incurred by the Seller.

8. Withdrawal from the contract

1. The right to withdraw from the contract is available to:

  •  the Buyer who is a consumer
  •  To a buyer who is a natural person concluding a contract directly related to his/her business activity and when the content of the contract shows that it is not of a professional nature for him, resulting in particular from the subject of his business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.

In a situation where the persons referred to in point 1 have concisded a distance or off-premises contract have the right to withdraw from the contract concluded in this way:

  •  without giving a reason;
  •  within 14 days from the date of delivery of the goods.

2. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply if the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individual needs, which results from Art. 38 point 3) of the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014, in particular the right to withdraw from the contract will not apply in the case of ordering personalized goods made to the Buyer's special order (eg in terms of inscription, color or pattern)

3. A buyer who wants to exercise his right should submit an appropriate declaration.

4. The declaration referred to in section 2 may be submitted by sending an e-mail yeulakova@gmail.com to the Seller.

5. To meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for the declaration to be sent before the expiry of the 14-day period

6. If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the contract is considered null and void and the parties are obliged to return the benefits received from the other party.

7. If the Buyer exercises the right of withdrawal, he is obliged to return the goods immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date on which he submitted his declaration of withdrawal from the contract. The Buyer must attach the original sales document to the returned goods.

8. The goods may be returned only via a courier company chosen by the Buyer.

9. The costs of returning the goods (i.e, direct shipping costs, securing the goods, packaging, etc.) are borne by the Buyer.

10. The returned goods cannot bear traces of use, must be complete and packed in the original packaging with undamaged so-called "clamps", which are an important part of protecting the work against darnage, and, if possible, using bubble and stretch foil attached to the order. If the clamps, foil and stretch are darnaged by the Buyer when opening the package, the Buyer is obliged to secure the work in another, equivalent way that wili protect it during transport.

11. In the event of receiving a declaration of withdrawal, the Seller shall immediately return to the Buyer the payments made by him the price of the goods.

12. The refund of the paid funds is made no later than within 14 days from the Seller's receipt of the declaration of withdrawal to the Buyer's bank account. However, the Seller may withhold the payment of funds until receipt of the goods or receipt of confirmation of shipment to the Seller's address.

13. The Seller's preferred deadline for returning the goods is 3 to 7 days from the date of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract. The Seller will then endeavor to return the funds paid within 3 business days to the Buyer's bank account.

14. Payments made will be refunded using the same payment methods used in the original transaction, unless the Buyer agrees to a different solution. The buyer is not responsible for any additional costs associated with this return.

9. Guarantee of quality

1. It is essential to keep the proof of purchase of the Product issued by the Selier and aach the indicated document in the event of a complaint about the goods based on the warranty granted by Hanna Yeulakova.

2. This quality guarantee applies to goods purchased under sales contracts concluded between the Seller and the Buyer

3. Hanna Yeulakova grants the Buyer a guarantee of quality and originality for products made individually by the Seller, adequate to the type of materials used and the product manufacturing technique.

4. The Buyer's rights under the granted Warranty expire automatically

  •  in the event of any changes, modifications, additions or replacement of the goods or any of their parts by the Buyer or an entity other than Hanna Yeulakova.
  •  in the event of using the goods in a manner inconsistent with its intended use and the Seller's instructions, in the event that damage or defects to the goods are the result of: harmful radiation, any mechanical injury.

5. The Buyer reports a defect in the goods and initiates the complaint procedure when the Seller receives the Buyer's declaration on reporting a defect in the goods and the defective goods.

6. The reported defect is verified by Hanna Yeulakova, who will determine whether the defect was not the fault of the customer. The Seller will consider complaints within 14 business days of their receipt at the latest.

7. If it is necessary to send the defective product for renovation, the warranty claim processing period may be extended to 28 business days.

10. Complaint mode

1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the goods without defects.

2. If the Buyer discovers the existence of physical or legal defects after the ownership of the goods has passed to the Buyer, he has the right to file a complaint under the warranty for defects.

3. The warranty clairn is not valid in the event of improper maintenance of the work in a manner inconsistent with the Seller's recommendations, as well as in the event of mechanical damage (e.g. upholstery, breakage, chipping), as well as in the event of changes or repairs made by the person using the work on their own.

4 Customers who are consumers have the right to submit a complaint. In the cae of customers who are entrepreneurs, the warranty for defects is excluded.

5. In the event of mechanical damage occurring during delivery or in the event of a complaint to the Seller, the Buyer should send appropriate information via e-mail to the Seller's address. The notification should specify the type of defect the product has and, if possible, document it The Seller will respond to such a notification via email within 14 days.

6. The application should be sent by e-mail to yeulakova@gmail.com.

7. In the application, you may request one of the following options: 

  •  replacement of the work with a defect-free one.
  •  price reduction.
  •  withdrawal from the contract.
  •  free repair of the work

8. Replacing items with defect-free ones is only possible in the case of posters, greeting cards, sticker sheets.

9. The price reduction or withdrawal from the contract will not take place if the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience to the buyer replaces the defective item with a defect-free one or removes the defect.

10. The Buyer is obliged to deliver the complained product via the courier company selected by the Seller and at the Seller's expense, along with proof of purchase. Shipping details will be agreed upon by e-mail between the parties.

11. If the goods are shipped, the Buyer is obliged to properly secure them, preferably using the original packaging with undamaged so-called "clamps", which are an important part of protecting the work against damage, and, if possible, using bubble and stretch foil attached to the order. If the clamps, foil and stretch are damaged by the Buyer when opening the package, the Buyer is obliged to secure the lamp in another, equivalent way that will protect the lamp during transport.

12. Warranty rights for defects are valid within 12 months from the date of diagnosis of the defect, but no longer than within 2 years from the delivery of the item.

11. Agreement for the provision of electronic services

1. Through its website, the Seller provides Users with free electronic services, in particular the service of providing a contact form, the Newsletter service and maintaining an individual User account.

2. Each use of the contact form constitutes the conclusion of a contract between the User and the Seller for a specified period of time- for the duration of the User's use of the message form, i.e. editing and sending messages.

3. The contract for sending Newsletter messages is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time at the User's request addressed to the Seller via e-mail.

4. If the User creates an individual account, an agreement is concluded between the Seller and the User for the provision of electronic services in the form of maintaining this account on the Store's website, enabling browsing the Store's website after logging in to this account and making purchases through it.

5. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time at the request of the User who requests the Seller to delete his account.

6. In such a case, the Seller is obliged to immediately delete the account and all personal data related to it, except for data necessary for the Seller to protect its legitimate interest (e.g data of orders placed in order to fulfill the obligations imposed on the Seller under the law).

7. The User's account will be deleted no later than within 14 business days of receiving the request to delete it by the Seller.

8. As part of all services provided electronically, the User may not provide illegal content, in particular he may not post content on the website that is defamatory or otherwise infringing the rights of third parties.

9. If the User violates the law or these Regulations, the Seller will request the User to stop the violations within 7 days of receiving the request. The request may be sent electronically. If the request turns out to be ineffective, the Seller will be able to withdraw frorn the contract for the provision of services and delete the User's account from the website.

10. The User has the right to submit a complaint in the event of comments regarding the provision of services referred to in point. 1 and 2 of this paragraph.

11. The complaint is considered by the Seller within 14 days, and the Seller notifies the User about the result of the proceedings via e-mail.

12. Out-of-court methods of resolving disputes

1. In the case of Online Store Customers who are consumers, it is possible to use out-of-court methods of resolving disputes between the consumer and the Seller.

2. At the following Internet address https//webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm? shou&lrna=DI thore is theODD Platform LOnline disnure Resolutionl which allows you to initiate an out-of-court resolution of the dispute between the entrepreneur and the consumer.

3. In addition, the consumer has the option of contacting the competent Provincial Inspectorate of the Trade Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings, as well as to the permanent arbitration court operating at the relevant Trade Inspection to consider the case before the arbitration court.

4. Free assistance in the field of consumer disputes is provided by district or municipal consumer ombudsmen, as well as consumer organizations. More information on how to get help is available at https://www.uokik.gov.pl/sprawy.zdrowie.php.

5. Other useful information regarding out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq592, https://www.uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php, http://polubowne uokik.gov.pl/.

13. Copyright Disclaimer

1. The Selier declares that both the Store's website and all content available on this website, including logos, descriptions, photos, graphics and other images, constitute works within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights of February 4,1994 ( Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83).

2. Any copying, distribution, reproduction or retransmission or other activities in relation to the website itself or the content contained therein, inciuding their reproduction on other websites or social media, is prohibited without obtaining the express consent of the Seller or another authorized entity.

3. It is only allowed to quote this website while marking the source by providing a link (hyperlink) on another website that leads directly to the Seller's website.

14. Final Provisions

1 Provisions regarding the protection of personal data and cookies, as well as fulfillment of the information obligation regarding this data towards Users of the Store's website, are included in the Privacy Policy.

2. In the event of legal disputes with a Customer who is an entrepreneur, the competent court will be the court competent for the Seller's registered office. In the event of legal disputes with a consumer, the jurisdiction of the court will be determined on general principles.

3. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, the provisions of Polish law will apply, including: Civil Code and the.